Sunday 9 August 2015

Chapter 6


Journey to Baltimore 

After what happened, I didn't go school for three days. Now it's Saturday and still I can't forget what happened at school on Tuesday. The person who I chat with and the stranger came to my room are not two people they were the same person. Why couldn't I figure out his name before? It was Stephen and the person I chat with was Stephen Tomlinson. I could have known this before, but I couldn't because I wasn't aware of the things what society can do.
     I tried to forget what happened and be calm, but continuously it came to my mind and my heart stopped beating for a moment. After three days I switch on the my phone to check the notification. I saw Seventy four notifications. Most of them were from Stephen and I saw 10 missed calls from Tris. I tried to figure out the reason, but that was useless, therefore I dialed her number. After a few seconds she picked up the phone and started yelling at me "Tiffany how could you forget the most important day of our life? Can't you remember? Today is the 8th of August. I tried to reach you from every way I could, but I couldn't reach you. I'm so sorry to tell this Tiffany but I had to come here without you. I'm with five boys in Baltimore now. Christina is with me instead of you. I'm so sad because you are not with me, but I had nothing to do other than bring her with me. I have to go Tiffany it's time to leave the hotel and go to the stadium. Taxi is waiting for me. I'll call you later buddy." She cut the line and I couldn't at least speak a word with her. Also, I felt like Tris is Betraying me, but it was totally my fault. I couldn't bear the pain I got and It was like stabbing my heart from a sharp knife. It was one of my dream to go to a show and meet One Direction. I had a chance because of my friend and I was dreaming about our trip and the
flight but I was not lucky to be there. I destroyed my own dream because I was thinking about a useless person. May be I was not destined to be there and that's why all of this is happening to me. I won't be weak due to this it will make me more stronger than before. I marked all the messages from Stephen as read and blocked his contact because I didn't want him to interfere in my life anymore.

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