Monday 19 October 2015

Chapter 12


Tattoo on my collarbone

I woke up in my bed and realized that someone took me home after what happened in the school. The pain in my back was already fading away. I check my phone for time and it was 2.00 am in the morning. I was also astonished because I was out for more than 15 hours. I went downstairs and grabbed the food plate from the fridge which was kept for me. I finished my meal quickly and unlocked my phone to check notifications. There was one message from Tris and one from Jeff. I opened the message from Tris first and it was a Birthday wish for me. It didn't take much time to realize that today was my 16th birthday. Then I opened the message from Jeff and it was "Hope you feel better now. I took you home and applied some ancient medicine for your wounds. By the way HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU" I felt something on my collarbone, it hurt like burning, I dropped my phone and ran to the bathroom. I watched myself through the mirror and I saw a small red colour patch in my collarbone. It slower became smaller and then remained a black colour half moon like tattoo in there. Burning like pain faded away as soon as the patch became a black half moon. It was already 3.00 am in the morning and I decided to have a sleep again since I have school in the few hours.

Monday 14 September 2015

Chapter 11


How did I come to my bed?

Next day I woke up in my bed. I was astonished when I remembered what happened yesterday and sudden thought came to my mind. "How am i sleeping in my bed???" and next I saw that my back was cleaned well and bandaged. Then I got a message for my phone from Stephen saying 'feeling any better?? you were lying on the floor when I come to your house and the floor was covered with blood so as you. I bandaged you and kept you in the bed. Don't think about it that much. It's just a small help." I sent him a reply saying thanks and took a bath before I changed my cloths.
     Today was a school day therefore I slowly walked towards the school. I heard a car horns from behind me and it was Stephen. He quickly jump out of the car and ask me for a ride. I had no reason to decline the request and I had no strength to walk with bruises in my back. He opened the door of the passenger seat and let me sit comfortably. He jumped to his seat and begun to drive towards the school. 
     In another few minutes we were in the school car park. Stephen got out first and opened the door for me. I gave him a small smile to thank him and went to the class. I spent first two periods without any trouble and unfortunately someone hit in my back by a mistake and I felt some liquid creeps down in my back. I saw Stephen run towards me and as soon as he got there. I lost my balance and fell down. Luckily Stephen grabbed me from my hands and prevent me from falling down. In a sudden everything went black.

Monday 7 September 2015

Chapter 10


Punishments become worser than ever

It's been two weeks since I saw Steff in his wolf form. I was not afraid of him, but I was shocked of what he was and how it happened. Steff was sitting next to me in school, but I had no strength to talk with him anymore, therefore I spent more time with my studies. I'm turning sixteen next week and I didn't have hopes on my birthday because I know that my parents won't even remember it. I stayed at home today to study since I'm having an exam on next Thursday and I needed a good score for that.
     Mom and dad went for their job and my little brother went to the school. It was only me in our home. I didn't bother about it since I have been alone before. I spent few hours for my studies and I decided to watch a movie as a break. I chose "Inside out' animated movie and played it in the DVD. The movie finished after one hour and forty two minutes and it was time for my brother return home. I didn't want to hangout with him therefore I took my lunch quickly and climbed upstairs to resume my studies.
    I never knew that my parents are coming home with my brother. Unfortunately, they came and opened the door when I climbed the last step of the staircase. I quickly ran to my room and locked the door from inside. I heard my dad's footsteps from the corridor and in few seconds he knocked the door. I didn't have any other option, therefore I opened the door before he knocks it down. Next I saw him looking directly at me with eyes filled with anger. He stepped into my room and closed the door behind him. My heart beat was racing and goose bumps were in my body. His silence made me more scared. Then he split "wait here for me" with his harsh voice and left my room. I felt my heart beat becoming normal again but I saw him coming towards my room with a belt in his hand. I had no idea about what's next. He came inside my room and closed the door behind him again, but this time it made a bang sound.
     He came close to me with step by step and slowly walked backwards till I met my bed and now I was in between my father and bed. I had nowhere to go. My father held the belt from it's buckle and ordered my to turn around and remove my T-shirt. It was an order and I had to do what he said. I slowly turn around and removed my T-shirt. In a sudden the belt hit my back with undefinable pain. After few second I got hit in my back in the same way and he didn't stop with that. I couldn't bear the pain after a few hits and my body touched the ground. He stopped beating me and left the room after locking in from outside. I slowly took my hand to my back and touched the places which I hurt most and I felt liquid in my palm. My palm was covered with blood so was the floor. I tried to stand up and get on the bed, but it was only a waste of time. I stay still for few minutes and sleep came in to me without knowing me

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Chapter 9


The fastest man I have ever seen

Today is 24th August and I spent another week without any other problem except Stephen. He kept sending messages and missed calls to my number continuously. I didn't bother about it because it was not my problem anymore. I went to seat in the class and took my history book because I didn't want to waste my time. I saw Stephen walk towards me while asking " you angry with me?" I had no energy to answer that question so I stayed silent. He couldn't bear it and went out of the class. 
     First period was English and Mr. Tadashi came to the class with our unit test papers. He gave the paper to me to give them to the correct person and i finished my job as soon as possible and take a look at my paper. I couldn't believe it at first getting 96 marks out of 100 then I looked at Mr. Tadashi to make sure. He gave me a smile and nodded his head expressing that there is no problem with that. I checked my mistakes and mark them down in my notebook to practice those again. I saw Stephen's paper and he got 97 out of 100 but he didn't have a smile in his face. It made me little bit upset because it seems that he is in a big problem. I hold his wrist and tried to ask the reason, but he got rid of my hand and vanish in seconds. I looked for him all around the class, but I couldn't find any trace of him. None of the students tried to figure out what happened except me. I walk towards Mr. Tadashi and asked permission to go to the washroom. I stepped outside of the classroom and searched for Stephen everywhere. Finally, I found him sitting beside a tree next to the cafeteria. I slowly walked towards him and sit beside him. I asked "do you want to talk about it? How did you walk that fast? I searched you everywhere." Then Stephen turned to my side and begun to talk. " It's a long story Tiffany, but if you want, please let me show you something. Come with me and I'll show you" He took me to the forest which was next to the school territory. We walked Deep inside and stopped near a free space. Then he vanished again, I looked for him, but as the last time I couldn't find him. He was fast as a flash and he is the fastest man I have ever seen. He talked from behind me asking " Surprised?? Don't be scared I'm not going to hurt you. I'm a werewolf." I was shocked for a moment, but then I nodded to him.
     We walked back to school since still the school is not finished. We went back to the class, but I wasn't able to talk with Stephen. The school ended after an hour and I went home without talking to anyone.

Sunday 16 August 2015

Chapter 8


Just a normal day

I met One Direction four days ago, but it was just like few hours. I still remember the stupid things and Stupid talks we did. My birthday is on 15th September and it has a whole month to that. But I already got my birthday gift. Meeting One Direction and spend time with them was my best birthday gift in my life. 
     My parents went out with my little brother and it's just me at home. I didn't have anything special therefore I decided to watch a film. I wend through the latest film list and chose Jurassic world to watch. I went to the kitchen and grabbed some chocolate, which belongs to my brother from the fridge and jumped to the couch. The movie was awesome and I really enjoyed it. My parents returned home as soon as the movie was over. I took my laptop and ran to my room without any noise. I needed a walk after staying in the room for hours therefore I dressed with a blue pant and a black T-shirt. I took my phone and climbed  downstairs. No one was paying attention to me, I went outside and walk towards the Burger king, which was not far from our home. I didn't feel hungry, but I walked towards it for no reason. I bought a hamburger and a chocolate milkshake and begun to walk again. After Few yards I came to the park and sat in the nearest bench I found and eat few bites from my hamburger while drinking the milkshake. I finished my meal in few minutes and sat there for another half an hour. I stand up slowly from the bench and started walking towards home again.
     It was already time for dinner when I got home and my tummy was full. I ran to my room and jumped to the bed to have a dreamless sleep.

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Chapter 7


New beginning of my life

It's Monday and last night Tris returned to LA after going to the show and shopping in Baltimore with Christina for almost a day. I'm suffering with fever again, this time it's not very bad as last time. I scrolled up and down Tris's instagram profile which was filled with her tour photos. Tears burst from my eyes and touched my pillow. I wiped it quickly and get ready to go school. It was the first time after Stephen came to my class, but I realized that I can't skip my studies because of him. I took my phone before I switch off the light in my room. My dad was waiting for me to give a ride to the school.
     Tris ran towards me in the hallway, but I didn't feel happy after seeing her. She offered me a bunch of chocolate bars and a blue color dress. I couldn't reject her gift because she is my best and only friend I have. I took it and thanked her. We went to the class and I went to my desk without looking at anyone. I sat down in my chair and looked my right to see who is next to me and it was Stephen. It was the only place to give him, therefore  I couldn't say anything about that. My phone beeped with a message notification from Stephen. After all what happened, I forgot to turn off my phone before I enter in to the class. Mrs. Elena, who is our Geography teacher didn't come to the class yet, therefore I opened the message and read it. The message was "r u surprised?? This is what I told u abut last week." I replied him telling him to stay away from me.
     Mrs.Elena came to the class and I quickly turned silence profile and put it into my side pocket of the uniform. I decided to stop all the stupid works and study well for my better future. The lesson was about Asian countries and I listened to what she taught us carefully than other days. I realized than studying is not that much difficult if I give it a try. I did the same thing in the other periods too. After the school Tris invited me to her house to do our homework. I accepted it and started to walk towards her house.
     We did our homework for hours and it was too dark for me to go home. I had to spend the night at Tris's place. Tris was happy more than any other day and I decided to ask the reason for that. Before I ask someone knocked the door and Tris flew downstairs to open it as she was expecting someone to come. I waited in her room until she returns. I heard footsteps of six people but couldn't make over until they reach me. It was One Direction, Tris had called them to come to her place and meet me because I am a huge fan of them and I missed their show in Baltimore.

Sunday 9 August 2015

Chapter 6


Journey to Baltimore 

After what happened, I didn't go school for three days. Now it's Saturday and still I can't forget what happened at school on Tuesday. The person who I chat with and the stranger came to my room are not two people they were the same person. Why couldn't I figure out his name before? It was Stephen and the person I chat with was Stephen Tomlinson. I could have known this before, but I couldn't because I wasn't aware of the things what society can do.
     I tried to forget what happened and be calm, but continuously it came to my mind and my heart stopped beating for a moment. After three days I switch on the my phone to check the notification. I saw Seventy four notifications. Most of them were from Stephen and I saw 10 missed calls from Tris. I tried to figure out the reason, but that was useless, therefore I dialed her number. After a few seconds she picked up the phone and started yelling at me "Tiffany how could you forget the most important day of our life? Can't you remember? Today is the 8th of August. I tried to reach you from every way I could, but I couldn't reach you. I'm so sorry to tell this Tiffany but I had to come here without you. I'm with five boys in Baltimore now. Christina is with me instead of you. I'm so sad because you are not with me, but I had nothing to do other than bring her with me. I have to go Tiffany it's time to leave the hotel and go to the stadium. Taxi is waiting for me. I'll call you later buddy." She cut the line and I couldn't at least speak a word with her. Also, I felt like Tris is Betraying me, but it was totally my fault. I couldn't bear the pain I got and It was like stabbing my heart from a sharp knife. It was one of my dream to go to a show and meet One Direction. I had a chance because of my friend and I was dreaming about our trip and the
flight but I was not lucky to be there. I destroyed my own dream because I was thinking about a useless person. May be I was not destined to be there and that's why all of this is happening to me. I won't be weak due to this it will make me more stronger than before. I marked all the messages from Stephen as read and blocked his contact because I didn't want him to interfere in my life anymore.

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Chapter 5


I was happy for a moment

Sadly, I couldn't go to school yesterday because of my fever. I do hate school, but other than staying the whole day in my room I like to be there. My fever was finally recovered and I'm ready to go school again. I dressed my school uniform and took my phone before I eave my room. My parents were left to drop my brother by his school. I left the house and began to walk towards the school, hence it was not that much far from our house. My phone beeped and I got a message from Stephen Tomlinson. He had mentioned about a big surprise for me, but not in very detail. I asked him for a hint, but I couldn't receive a reply before I reach to the school. I quickly turned off my phone and put it in my uniform pocket before anyone sees I'm using a phone in school territory. 
     I met my best friend Tris in the corridor while putting my things to the locker belongs to me. She was little bit different from other days, but I thought it was jut because I haven't seen her for three days. She had a nice smile on her face. She came to me with a big story in the inventory to tell me. She began to tell her story "Hey Tiffany, I have something to tell you. You'll like it for sure. I went to see one of my relatives last Saturday. I had never been there to see them before therefore I was interested to meet them. They lived in UK and recently they shifted to San Diego. My dad got their address and after an hour we reached San Diego without any problem. My dad stopped near a big house and it was really really big. I stepped inside of the house to see my relation and make him happy with a warm hug. I saw five boys sitting on the couch, which was in front of me and watching a movie. I knocked the door to attract their attention towards us. They turned their heads to the side of the door. Oh my gosh Tiffany can you guess what happened next??? Anyway, let me tell you. It was One Direction, all five of them standing right in front of me and my dad gave a hug to Niall and introduced our family to him. He came forward and gave me a warm hug. He lifted me up and smiled because he was so happy to have a sister. He said that he was always thinking about a girl cousin since he never had one. He welcomed me sit with them to watch the movie. His parents' house was not far from five boys's therefore my dad left me with them and went to meet Niall's mom and dad. We did lots of things Tiffany, it was awesome. By the way the most important thing is Niall gave me two tickets for their next show in the M&T Bank Stadium, Baltimore. It's on 8th August. And Tiffany I like if you join with me because there are two tickets. I know that you'll never miss this chance and don't worry about the transports. Niall promised me to take us there. You are coming with me, right?" "Tris are you serious? This is not a dream, right? I always wanted to go for One Direction Show. Thank you Tris you are the best I have ever met. I would love to join with you." was my answer. After hearing this great news I couldn't focus on studies, the only thing I could do was dreaming about next Saturday, 8th of August.
     I was not paying attention to what our History teacher was teaching, but unexpectedly a boy entered to the class. He was a newcomer. He handed his files to miss Dorathy who was our History teacher and answered to the questions asked by her. He was wearing a cap and when he began to talk with miss, he removed it. I was about to faint. It was Steff. The stranger who came to my room without permission. He turned to the students and introduce himself. He turned my side and gave me a strange smile. His full name was Stephen Tomlinson.

Sunday 2 August 2015

Chapter 4


Friend in need is a friend indeed

It was Saturday morning. I was suffering from high fever since yesterday and no one was there for me. My parents didn't watch over me even if I wasn't well. They gave me Dozens of paracetamols and let me rest whole day in my room. They weren't worried about me, but about my little brother. they were afraid of my brother getting ill because of me. I was speechless for a moment. How can parents be like this? 
     My phone beeped. I got a smile on my face after a long time after checking my phone. It was a chat request from Stephen Tomlinson. I had no reason to decline the request. I replied him with a smiling emoji. We shared lots of things with each other. Most of them were about our favorite things. As I expected, he was a huge fan of One Direction. He has photographs of him with One Direction which he has taken a year ago in a One Direction live in concert. 
    I was astonished from his unexpected question. He asked "do you feel any better?". If he can't see me how can he came to know about my illness. When I asked him, he said that he felt it after chatting with me. The answer gave him made me little bit fresh look. I felt like I found a family. Someone who cares about me. 
    My mom came into my room without asking, before she finds out what was going on I hid the phone under the pillow. She had a water bowl and a little piece of cloth with her. I thought my parents have changed and she came to look after me for a little but I was wrong. They were as same as always. Mom kept the bowl on my Working table and left the room. Tears came from my eyes and touched my bed without my permission. I tried to stop crying, but it was no use.

Friday 31 July 2015

Chapter 3


Everything back to normal

It has been a week and I think Steff stopped coming after me since the day I gave him a miserable speech. He was neither near the window, nor inside my room anymore. I was so happy about that. Other than that everything was as usual. I had to do my studies and my parents continued giving me punishments.
My phone made a beep sound. I got a friend request from a person called Stephen Tomlinson. I was little bit impressed because of his surname. It was my favorite surname in the world, my favorite person in this world got that surname. Louis Tomlinson, member of the most popular boy band on this Earth. Because of his surname I accepted his request. I was hundred percent sure that he is a huge fan of One Direction. I had nothing to do in the evening so I decided to read Harry Potter First book because I haven't read it before. I spent the whole evening with the book, but I never got tired of reading it. The only thing I had to forget my problems and to celebrate something special was books. My parents won't buy me books at any cost, but thanks to the technology I could download every single book I loved from the internet.
It was time for dinner therefore I went downstairs to join with my family. I was happy with what happened so I didn't want to destroy my happiness by having any punishments.

Friday 24 July 2015

chapter 2


Straight ahead with mysteries

I couldn't sleep well last night other than the sleepiness I had a normal day with school plus one hour detention for chatting with online friends during the class. It has been just normal because detention was in my daily schedule. After returning home, I had my lunch and I surfed through internet for hours watching videos, listening to the latest songs, tweeting, video calling and all the other things I could do in that moment. Mom called me for dinner and that is the only time i run downstairs without any delays. After getting dinner, I returned to my room which was just a mess. I felt little bit lazy, therefore I danced to the song 'this girl is on fire' which was my favorite last week. In the end of the song I turned right, which was my window. Suddenly I saw that stranger, I met yesterday outside of my window. I felt that I'm going to faint and that's all I remember.
I was lying on my bed when I woke and Steff was right next to me. He mentioned that he had to come inside because I fainted and knocked my face in the floor. He was laughing at me asking why did you faint. I was furious and I yelled at him, saying that you said that you are here only once a week and what the hell are you doing at my place. He was making me  funny. His answer to my question was "Yeah, I told that I'm in your room once a week and I didn't mention about staying outside of it. Outside of your room is not considered as your place".I continued yelling at him telling "How can you stand and watch a girl next to her window. Don't you have something called manners??? Now please get out of my room and get lost." Unexpectedly a strong wind burst into my room from the window which was opened and he was already gone.

Thursday 23 July 2015

Chapter 1


Strange evening with a stranger

The evening was my worst evening, which, I ever lasted. I can't imagine that I was punished two times in the same day for my bad attitudes. All the strange things started with my first punishment. i had a strong feeling that no one cares about me and I was so alone, but suddenly someone hit me from the back. I turned around to see what happened then I found a stranger standing behind me. A stranger i had never seen in LA before. He was about 18 years old in my opinion. He had a straight black hair and dark blue eyes which made me curious. I had no idea about how he got into my room, therefore I decided to ask him. I had lots of things to be clear, but I needed to know his identity because I hate to talk with someone without knowing his name. He was polite to introduce himself before I ask him to.

     His name was Steff. Actually, it was Stephen but Steff was his nickname. He is 19 years old and he lives in a  house which is about ten blocks from mine. Also, he said that it's not the first time in my room, he is here once a week. Then I remembered my dream. The dream I saw a few days ago. I saw a man staring at me with a smile on his face. He kept looking at me without any blinks in his eyes. But after he saw that I'm awake, he disappeared. I didn't take it too much because I thought it was a dream.

     I looked for him to throw a question for him, but he was gone. It was a second and he vanished. I know that normal people can't move that much fast other than a man with super powers. I had a strange feeling about what happened which made me think of supernaturals. I had no sense of taking dinner so I had another two hours grounded time for not spending time with my family. It was a normal thing to me since I had that kind of punishments everyday. I had lots to think about the time I just passed and had lot to ask from someone, but I have no one who I can trust, I searched about the people with super powers and supernaturals in the internet. All I found was they are not real.I was curious to find the reason which made him to come to my room every week. But for everything I had to wait another week.

Wednesday 22 July 2015


Tiffany is 16 years old girl who is having so much trouble with her parents. She receive punishments for her bad qualities from her parents. One day she had a strange and scary evening. she is facing lots of mysterious and scary moments after she met that strange day...

More on the way. coming soon!!!!!